The School Day
The school day at MHS is divided into two parts: the classes you take on campus and the community-based program, work or extracurricular activities and sports you arrange for yourself after school. You will need to participate fully in both elements of the program to graduate on time with your class.
MHS offers a customized schedule which provides the option to take classes on campus for either a partial or a full school day. Most 9th and 10th grade students take 6-7 courses each semester on campus. Students in grades 11 and 12 take four or five courses each semester on a rotating block schedule, but this varies widely. Those who choose to be actively involved in earning credits from community-based activities often have a shorter school day, while those who do not generally have a fuller classroom schedule. While on campus, you primarily take the core Math, Science, English, and Social Studies courses, along with some electives. MHS assigns student schedules based on graduation requirements, student requests and class size considerations. Students are expected to take all core classes at MHS. They also have access to PHS for electives and upper-level classes, space permitting.
You design your own program for earning your remaining credits outside of school. If requested, the school will act as a resource to refer potential activities, but it is ultimately your responsibility to independently arrange and participate in a community based program. There are four general types of activities to choose from: community classes/supervised programs; community service/service-learning; internships/paid jobs; and additional homework.
Millennium High School validates the way my daughter learns and thinks, ways that our family treasures, but that conventional pedagogy ignores. They value her for her questions, not just her answers.
Education at MHS is exploration, a journey toward what my daughter believes, feels, and decides is ethical or just. It doesn’t just ask her to know “stuff.” It requires that she reflect, wonder, judge, accept or discard. Isn’t that the true path of the scholar?
Kimberley Gilles
MHS parent